Create Cli Portfoilo

Create A CLI Game In Simple Steps

Create A Cli Game

To create a cli game follow my steps

โœ๏ธ Step 1:

Create a folder and Name it What ever you want and install the following Packages in the folder using Command Prompt in your terminal

npm i chalk
npm i chalk-animation
npm i figlet
npm i gradient-string

Note:Install Node.js in your System

โœ๏ธ Step 2:

Create a file called index.js In your folder and Write some code

In index.js Import all the pakages by pasting the following Code and Also include the SHEBANG

#!/usr/bin/env node

// SHEBANG ๐Ÿ‘† (#!)

// Import 
import chalk from "chalk";
import figlet from "figlet";
import gradient from "gradient-string";
import chalkAnimation from "chalk-animation";

โœ๏ธ Step 3:

Type your code. In this blog i will give a Sample Code

let playername; 

// Timer to stop the animation ๐Ÿ‘‡

const sleep = (ms = 2000) => new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r,ms))

// Function 1 ( Welcome ) ๐Ÿ‘‡
async function Welcome(){

    const rainbowTitile = chalkAnimation.rainbow('Welcome to My Profile \n');
    await sleep();

// Function 2 (About me ) ๐Ÿ‘‡

async function Aboutme(){

    const rainbowTitile  = chalkAnimation.neon('About Me \n')
    await sleep();

    Hai I am ${chalk.bgBlue('Nivin')}. A 15 y/o Web devaloper and App devaloper 
    I have started my Coding journey since is was at ${chalk.bgGrey('6th')}.
    I am Living under the city Working to Make ${chalk.bgGreen('Cool Stuffs')}.
    In my spare time i have create 15+ Repo in my ${chalk.bgCyanBright('Github ')}.
    I am a huge fan of ${chalk.bgYellow('Robotics')} and i have create a Robotics since i was at 5th.


// Function 3 (Skills ) ๐Ÿ‘‡
async function skills(){

    const rainbowtitile = chalkAnimation.pulse('Skills \n')
    await sleep();

    ${chalk.bgYellow('Java Script')}


// Function 4 (Projets ) ๐Ÿ‘‡
async function projets(){

    const rainbowtitile = chalkAnimation.karaoke('My Projects \n')
    await sleep();

    ${chalk.bgMagenta('My Portfolio Website')}
    ${chalk.bgBlueBright('My Blog')}
    ${chalk.bgGreen('Js Counter')}


// Function 5 (ASCII Display ) ๐Ÿ‘‡
 async function End(){
        const msg = `Thank you for Reading `
        figlet(msg, (err , data) => {

// Order of the Program to Run ๐Ÿ‘‡

await Welcome();
await Aboutme();
await skills();
await projets();
await End();

โœ๏ธ Step 4:

In your package.json add this command "type": "module" and "bin": "./index.js"

โœ๏ธ Step 5:

To Run the Program type in your Command Prompt node ..

And thats all This is how you can create .

Hope you like this Post ๐Ÿ’–